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INSTITUTE for Nutrition & Preventive Healthcare

Proprietor: Sabine A. Hainke
Bal­durstrasse 3
D-44805 BOCHUM

Mon­day to Fr­iday 10:00am – 5:00pm
Tel. +49 234 33 85 25 or Mobile +49 175 26 27 008

e-mail: office@medgenanalyse.com


In accordance with Articles 14 and 55 c Trade Regulation Act, corporate advice and consulting on employee health in the field of nutrition, exercise and prevention. Nutritional advice and support to individuals. Trading in medical gene analyses, gene analyses for preventive nutrition and gene analyses for weight reduction

NAST 011 854 546
VAT ID: DE 911 966 522

VOLKSBANK Bochum Wit­ten eG
Uni­ver­sitätsstrasse 70 | 44789 Bochum

INSTITUTE for Nutrition & Health Protec­tion
Sabine A. Hainke
IBAN DE 37 4306 0129 0101 2935 00




1. Disclaimer

The content of this website is compiled with great care but the provider can accept no liability for its accuracy, completeness and currency. Use of the website is at the user’s own risk. Mere use of the website, an inquiry for a consultation or a request for information packs does not imply the existence of any contractual relationship between user and provider. No products or services are sold via this website.

2. Copyright & ancillary copyright

All content published on this website is subject to the German Copyright & Ancillary Copyright Law.   Any utilization not permitted by the German Copyright & Ancillary Copyright Law requires the prior written consent of the provider or the holder of the copyright at the time. This applies in particular to copying, editing, translation, storage, processing and reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. Third party content and rights are identified as such. Unauthorized copying or reproduction of individual content or complete pages is not allowed and is actionable. Copying and downloading are permitted for personal, private and non-commercial use only. Display of this website in different frames is not allowed without written permission.

3. Data protection

A visit to the provider‘s website may cause date, time and page access information to be stored. This data is not personalized, it is anonymized. It is analysed for statistical purposes only. It is not disclosed to third parties for either commercial or non-commercial purposes.

The provider wishes to emphasize that data transfer on the Internet such as e-mail transmission has security vulnerabilities and cannot be entirely protected against unauthorized access by third parties. For this reason, if you avail of a service within a contractual relationship, you will only receive your personalized results in a private consultation with our supervising doctor. They will be in book form for the comprehensive analyses and in paper form for the medical diagnosis results which the supervising doctor will receive only by post from one of the practising genetic or diagnostic institutes.

Use of the contact data in the masthead for commercial advertising purposes is strictly prohibited unless the provider has issued prior written approval or a business relationship already exists.

The provider and

  • all specialist doctor part­ners in Germany , Austria, U.K., Nor­way, Estonia and the United Ara­b Emi­rates
  • all genetic & diag­no­stic in­sti­tutes in Germany & Austria producing the analyses
  • the part­ner team of qualified nutritionists from Germany & Austria

named on the website hereby reject all com­mercial use and disclosure of their data

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